After some testing, googling, talking with my more experienced with computers and blogging friend, finally there’s a new feature in my blog. The “Subscription” page was successfully added, so now you can follow my by e-mail or reader and newer again miss a new post. I checked, it works (if not please, contact me immediately), notifications are sent once a day (if there are no new posts, then there’s no notification of course) always in the same 2-hours period.

Check it out for yourself (here or just at the top of the page) ;)

After going through Foot Town and buying tickets (more about it in here) it's time to finally go up!

My trip to the Tokyo Tower started a little late (at 5 pm) and since there was a Zōjō temple on the way, by the time I reached the tower the sun was already setting and I could have seen Tokyo lights by night.

So you’ve chosen your suitcase and checked all of airline’s regulation and security check out has no secrets for you (if not, check part 1 for tips).
Now it’s time for actual packing.

Let me tell you one thing: packing for almost five months into one suitcase is not easy. It took me a few days to figure it all out and I’m still not sure if I've taken everything that will be necessary.

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