How to pack [pt 2]


So you’ve chosen your suitcase and checked all of airline’s regulation and security check out has no secrets for you (if not, check part 1 for tips).
Now it’s time for actual packing.

A few tips about how to do this to make it go as smoothly as possible:

  1. Start by making a list of things you want to pack. Name every single thing. Don’t write blouse x4, write blue blouse with white dots. This is really helpful, since it lets you decide what you want to take, and quickly overview what you will have. There’s a lot of sites in the Internet that can help you by generating list (like The Universal Packing List  for example- there you can adjust list by adding details like temperature or accommodation)
  2. Check the weather. No need to take wool sweaters for 30 degrees, right?
  3. Clothes are not the only thing that you must take. Remember to add cosmetics, shoes and other necessities to the list. Will you need a hairdryer? Laptop charger? Scissors? Bobby pins? Umbrella? Sewing Kit? Add them to the list so as not to forget.
  4. Prioritise your list. Most people take things they don’t need and forget things that are necessary. Add numbers or colours- whatever works best for you. Split your clothes for three categories: the ones you must take, they ones you want to take, the ones you might take. Start packing with category 1 and if you still have some free space, add next categories.
  5. Go for layers of clothes- this way you will have wide temperature span covered with less clothes. The fact that you’re going to very hot country doesn’t mean you won’t be in a cool, air conditioned place. Remember that nights are much colder. And weather may be surprising (when I came to Japan in April it was apparently one of the coldest springs for years).
  6. Choose sets, not individual pieces. Take clothes that go with other clothes. If you take a t-shirt it should suit with more than one bottoms, the same goes for bottoms- you should have more than one top for them (really, 1:3 ratio is absolute minimum). This way you have more broad variety of outfits with less clothes. It’s true for shoes and jewellery too. 
  7. Choose practical things over pretty things. Sad, but necessary.
  8. Choose clothes in neutral colours. Not only they suit other clothes more, they are also easier to wash.
  9. After you finish the list check it again before packing. Cross something out.
  10. When you pack something, check it on the list. This way you won’t have to go through all your things to check if you’ve packed something already.
  11. Put the heaviest things at the bottom (shoes!)
  12. Put delicate shoes (heels etc.) by the walls of the suitcase and on the bottom, so they are protected from moving around and deformations. 
  13. Save space every way you can: put small things into your socks, roll your socks and stuff the shoes with them
  14. Make sure that any delicate things are secured with layers of clothing. Again, socks are useful- you can put a nail polish inside them and roll them to protect the glass. 
  15. Don’t fold your clothes: roll them. This way they take less space, you can stuff them more tightly and they won’t be wrinkled.
  16. Take medicines with you. The ones in the country you’re travelling to may not work as well, be too strong or to weak. Put them on top of the suitcase in an easily accessible place- the security at the airport might want to check them (they do this sometimes, really)
  17. Take basic first-aid kit with you. You never know when you'll need it, better safe than sorry.
  18. Make a copy of your passport and take it with you. Just to be safe.
  19. Remember about checking the weight during packing.
  20. Instant food is not healthy, but it might be a good idea to pack some for the first few days. In case you'd have troubles with shopping/ finding something edible.

Happy packing!

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