

One of the popular dishes that can be bought almost everywhere in Japan is takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼). It’s a ball made of wheat-flour based batter with pieces of octopus, tempura scraps and some vegetables. They are fried on special pan (iron griddle with half-spherical moulds) and served on paper boats with special sauce or mayonnaise.

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  1. It was too weird for me. Hard octopus pieces inside soft cake. And this pressed pieces of fish that dance on the top of this hot balls of takoyaki. What is your opinion? :)

  2. I haven’t tried it yet. I was almost convinced to give it a try, but at that moment I noticed how soft the balls are and the cook just threw the large octopus parts into the mix, with huge suckers and I remembered my friends telling me to stay away from it since it's bad..., well I guess it’s not my time yet. I still have a few months to get used to strange tastes, so next time maybe!
    They were also selling something like puff pastry with anko (red bean paste) which was delicious.


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