Yokohama- harbour area


Yokohama is only 20 minutes away from Tokyo, thanks to fast trains, and the harbour is only a few minutes by train from the main JR station. During my trip I was able to not only see it in the evening but also could see a few nice view in daylight.

First thing I’ve noticed in Yokohama is the space. Compared to crowded Tokyo, where tall buildings are so close to each other that it would be impossible to walk between them, in Yokohama you can finally see something beside the nearest building.

There’s also a lot of green, tress and flowers around the buildings. There’s even grass there, which is quite a rare sight in Tokyo. 

Amusement park and huge department store. And a chapel for some reson.
There are old tracks in the middle of path
Another department store. On the second floor there's a huge historical painting
The place where the German Festival was held

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